This is your moment

This is your

This is your moment

This is your

This is your moment

This is your

This is your moment

This is your

This is your moment

This is your

This is your moment

This is your

This is your moment

This is your

This is your moment

This is your

This is your moment

This is your

This is your moment

This is your

Mitarbeiter/in in der Tierpflege (m/w/d)

  • Req ID #: 227195_de_DE
  • Sulzfeld, Bavaria, DE
  • Full time

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Seit fast 75 Jahren arbeiten die Mitarbeiter von Charles River zusammen, um bei der Entdeckung, Entwicklung und sicheren Herstellung neuer Arzneimitteltherapien zu helfen. Wenn Sie sich unserer Familie anschließen, haben Sie einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen auf der ganzen Welt. Ob Ihr Hintergrund in Life Sciences, Finanzen, IT, Vertrieb oder einem anderen Bereich ist, Ihre Fähigkeiten werden eine wichtige Rolle bei der Arbeit spielen, die wir durchführen. Im Gegenzug helfen wir Ihnen, eine Karriere zu bauen, die Sie begeistern wird.

Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir Sie als


Tierpfleger / Mitarbeiter in der Tierbetreuung (m/w/d)


in Vollzeit

für unsere Niederlassung in 97633 Sulzfeld.


Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Betreuung, Zucht und Haltung unserer Labornager
  • Einhaltung der internen Qualitätsvorgaben und Arbeit unter sterilen Bedingungen
  • Dokumentationserstellung
  • Mitarbeit an der Verbesserung von Arbeitsabläufen


Die Anforderungen:

  • Freude am professionellen Umgang mit Tieren
  • Teamgeist
  • Einsatzbereitschaft und Sorgfalt
  • Körperliche Belastbarkeit
  • EDV-Kenntnisse erwünscht


Unser Angebot:

·         eine ausführliche und betreute Einarbeitung im Rahmen unseres Trainingskonzepts

·         ein leistungsgerechtes Einkommen

·     eine interessante und verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit in einem zukunftsorientierten Team

·         Teilnahme an diversen Unternehmensveranstaltungen

·         zahlreiche soziale Leistungen und Zuschüsse (z.B. zur Kinderbetreuung, Tankgutschein, VWL-Förderung u.v.m.)


Auch Bewerber ohne spezifische Vorkenntnisse/ Quereinsteiger sind uns willkommen!





Sie sind interessiert?

Dann freuen wir uns über die Zusendung Ihrer ausführlichen Bewerbungsunterlagen an:


Charles River Laboratories, Research Models and Services, Germany GmbH

Personalabteilung, Sandhofer Weg 7, 97633 Sulzfeld

Email: [email protected],

Für Vorabinformationen stehen wir Ihnen gerne unter der Telefonnummer 09761 406-11 zur Verfügung.

Über Research Models & Services

Für die Grundlagenforschung ist die Verwendung von In-vivo-Modellen zur Identifikation von Zielkrankheiten und potentieller biologischer Pfade, welche Krankheiten bestimmen, notwendig.  Als eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen für die Produktion und den Vertrieb von Versuchstieren der höchsten Qualität, welches die Hälfte aller Versuchstiermodelle weltweit für die präklinische Forschung liefert, verstehen wir, wie wichtig dieser Schritt ist. Mit sieben Jahrzehnten Erfahrung ist unser Know-how unerreicht, sodass wir das perfekte Modell liefern können, einschließlich krankheitsspezifischer und konditionierter Optionen, für die Grundlagenforschung und darüber hinaus.


Über Charles River 

Charles River ist ein auf die Frühphase der Wirkstoffentwicklung spezialisiertes Auftragsforschungsunternehmen (CRO). Wir  haben auf der Grundlage unserer Erfahrungen mit Versuchstiermedizin und -wissenschaft ein vielseitiges Portfolio von Discovery- und Sicherheitsprüfungsdienstleistungen aufgebaut, sowohl mit Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) und ohne GLP, um Kunden von der Wirkstoffidentifikation bis zur präklinischen Entwicklung zu unterstützen. Charles River bietet auch eine Reihe von Produkten und Dienstleistungen für klinische Labortestbedürfnisse und Herstellungsaktivitäten. Die Nutzung dieses breiten Portfolios von Produkten und Dienstleistungen ermöglicht unseren Kunden, ein flexibleres Medikamentenentwicklungsmodell zu entwickeln, wodurch die Kosten gesenkt, die Produktivität erhöht und die Markteinführung beschleunigt wird.


Mit über 20.000 Mitarbeitern in 110 Standorten in 20 Ländern rund um den Globus sind wir strategisch positioniert, weltweite Ressourcen zu koordinieren und multidisziplinäre Projekte für die Entwicklung und Herausforderungen unserer Kunden zu entwickeln.  Unsere Kundenbasis umfasst globale Pharmaunternehmen, Biotechnologieunternehmen, Behörden und Krankenhäuser sowie akademische Institutionen in der ganzen Welt. 


Charles River setzt sich leidenschaftlich für die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität ein. Unsere Mission, unsere exzellente Wissenschaft und unser Engagement für einen sinnvollen Einsatz unserer Kapazitäten leiten uns in allem, was wir tun. Wir beginnen jeden Tag in dem Wissen, dass unsere Arbeit die Gesundheit und das Wohlergehen von vielen Menschen weltweit nutzt. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass wir die Entwicklung von etwa 86% der von der FDA in 2021 zugelassenen Medikamente unterstützt haben.


Bei Charles River Laboratories erkennen wir alle Talente an und stellen sie ein. Wir sind ein Unternehmen, das sich dem Grundsatz der Vielfalt und Inklusion verpflichtet hat und täglich in diese Richtung arbeitet.


Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

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Receive job alerts that match your background and interests – delivered right to your email inbox!

Helping you find your moment

You take great care and effort when you apply for a job with us. Rest assured that we’ll be just as diligent in finding the role that’s right for you. Here’s how our hiring process works:

Job Search

Learn about CRL, our culture, and why we do the work we do while also searching for roles that match your interests and expertise.


Create a profile and apply to as many roles as you have an interest.

Note: Depending on the role, you may be required to include a resume in your application.

Assessment and application review

Complete assessments, if requested, to determine whether the role is likely to be a good fit for you – and vice versa. The recruiter will review your resume and qualifications against the requirements of the role and will determine next steps.

Note: At any point in the process, you can log into your profile to review the status of your application.


Engage in our inclusive interview process by meeting with a diverse group of interviewers who will provide information on the company, culture, and your role while also asking you questions to assess your skills, interests, and expertise. This is also a great time for you to ask questions.

Note: Charles River leverages technical and behavioral-based interview questions based on our DNA (Care, Lead, Own, and Collaborate). Please familiarize yourself with the DNA and be prepared to relate your experiences to them.

Job offer and onboarding

Receive a competitive offer either by phone or email from a Charles River recruiter or hiring manager. The offer will include your title, salary, location, and other relevant information.

Note: Upon acceptance, you will work with your recruiter to confirm a start date and will receive paperwork to electronically complete prior to your start. For US-based roles, upon your acceptance, you will be required to take a pre-employment drug screen and pass a criminal background check.

Job Search

Learn about CRL, our culture, and why we do the work we do while also searching for roles that match your interests and expertise.


Create a profile and apply to as many roles as you have an interest. Note: Depending on the role, you may be required to include a resume in your application.

Assessment and Application Review

Complete assessments, if requested, to determine whether the role is likely to be a good fit for you – and vice versa. The recruiter will review your resume and qualifications against the requirements of the role and will determine next steps.
Note: At any point in the process, you can log into your profile to review the status of your application.


Engage in our inclusive interview process by meeting with a diverse group of interviewers who will provide information on the company, culture, and your role while also asking you questions to assess your skills, interests, and expertise. This is also a great time for you to ask questions. Note: Charles River leverages technical and behavioral-based interview questions based on our DNA (Care, Lead, Own, and Collaborate). Please familiarize yourself with the DNA and be prepared to relate your experiences to them.

Job offer and onboarding

Receive a competitive offer either by phone or email from a Charles River recruiter or hiring manager. The offer will include your title, salary, location, and other relevant information. Note: Upon acceptance, you will work with your recruiter to confirm a start date and will receive paperwork to electronically complete prior to your start. For US-based roles, upon your acceptance, you will be required to take a pre-employment drug screen and pass a criminal background check.

Important things are happening every moment at Charles River. This means exciting new career opportunities for you to explore. Take a look and apply today!

Moment by moment

At Charles River, you’ll be able to contribute to incredible breakthroughs while experiencing exciting opportunities for growth and development.

  1. UX/UI Designer

    Advocate for user-centered design solutions. Create distinctive, consistent, branded digital experiences across multiple platforms, devices, and channels.

  2. Senior UX/UI Designer

    Define and drive UX/UI strategies and interaction designs – from scratch and for scale – that solve business and user problems.

  3. Associate Director

    Work with Senior UX/IX Designers and developers to assess problems and develop solutions. Execute on plan by building coding standardizations and automating processes.

  4. Director, Digital Data Enablement

    Lead UX management and operational teams across business units and technical teams. Identify and define fit-for-purpose strategies to integrate best practices.

  5. Senior Director UX/UI Design

    Mentor, coach, and guide designer teams on design strategy related to research insights, execution, continuous integration, and automated deployment.

  6. Close-up of smiling female Charles River Technology & Innovation professional
Close-up of smiling female Charles River Technology & Innovation professional

UX/UI Designer

Advocate for user-centered design solutions. Create distinctive, consistent, branded digital experiences across multiple platforms, devices, and channels.

Senior UX/UI Designer

Define and drive UX/UI strategies and interaction designs – from scratch and for scale – that solve business and user problems.

Associate Director

Work with Senior UX/IX Designers and developers to assess problems and develop solutions. Execute on plan by building coding standardizations and automating processes.

Director, Digital Data Enablement

Lead UX management and operational teams across business units and technical teams. Identify and define fit-for-purpose strategies to integrate best practices.

Senior Director UX/UI Design

Mentor, coach, and guide designer teams on design strategy related to research insights, execution, continuous integration, and automated deployment.

  1. Animal Care Technician I - V

    Maintain the well-being of our animals by providing food, water, and a clean environment.

  2. Animal Care Technologist I - V

    Provide specialized care to maintain and monitor our animals’ health and physical environment.

  3. Veterinary Technician

    Help monitor, document, and triage all laboratory animal health cases.

  4. Team Leader / Supervisor

    Supervise, train, mobilize, empower, and develop a high-performing team.

  5. Research Associate

    Coordinate and plan activities according to study plan guidelines.

  6. Close-up of smiling female Charles River Animal Care professional
Close-up of smiling female Charles River Animal Care professional

Animal Care Technician I - V

Maintain the well-being of our animals by providing food, water, and a clean environment.

Animal Care Technologist I - V

Provide specialized care to maintain and monitor our animals’ health and physical environment.

Veterinary Technician

Help monitor, document, and triage all laboratory animal health cases.

Team Leader / Supervisor

Supervise, train, mobilize, empower, and develop a high-performing team.

Research Associate

Coordinate and plan activities according to study plan guidelines.

  1. Intern Level I

    Support process/procedure improvement based on site and department needs. Gain knowledge of our corporate environment to navigate cross-functional department collaboration.

  2. Intern Level II

    Complete comprehensive departmental projects incorporating mentorship of Level I interns as a professional development component.

  3. Biomanufacturing Technician I-III

    Oversee the production, formulation, and banking of cellular products while maintaining compliance with GMP, GDP, and aseptic guidelines.

  4. Biomanufacturing Lead / Specialist

    Maintain in-depth knowledge of specialized equipment to address questions as a Subject Matter Expert for the required equipment.

  5. Close-up of a smiling male Charles River Campus Recruiting & University Relations professional
Close-up of a smiling male Charles River Campus Recruiting & University Relations professional

Intern Level I

Support process/procedure improvement based on site and department needs. Gain knowledge of our corporate environment to navigate cross-functional department collaboration.

Intern Level II

Complete comprehensive departmental projects incorporating mentorship of Level I interns as a professional development component.

Biomanufacturing Technician I-III

Oversee the production, formulation, and banking of cellular products while maintaining compliance with GMP, GDP, and aseptic guidelines.

Biomanufacturing Lead / Specialist

Maintain in-depth knowledge of specialized equipment to address questions as a Subject Matter Expert for the required equipment.

  1. Clinical Veterinarian I-III

    Responsible for delivering professional veterinary services and helping to manage all phases of health care for the animal colony.

  2. Senior Clinical Veterinarian

    Utilize knowledge of laboratory animal medicine to optimize the scientific objectives of animal research protocols.

  3. Principal Veterinarian / Associate Director

    Conduct veterinary consults, make treatment recommendations, communicate with study directors, and follow cases through resolution.

  4. Director, Laboratory Animal Medicine

    Provide technical and professional oversight of all animal care and use functions involving site laboratory animals.

  5. Close-up of smiling female Charles River Veterinary professional
Close-up of smiling female Charles River Veterinary professional

Clinical Veterinarian I-III

Responsible for delivering professional veterinary services and helping to manage all phases of health care for the animal colony.

Senior Clinical Veterinarian

Utilize knowledge of laboratory animal medicine to optimize the scientific objectives of animal research protocols.

Principal Veterinarian/Associate Director

Conduct veterinary consults, make treatment recommendations, communicate with study directors, and follow cases through resolution.

Director, Laboratory Animal Medicine

Provide technical and professional oversight of all animal care and use functions involving site laboratory animals.

  1. Technician I-III

    Follow SOP and protocols in the areas of animal handling, husbandry, and blood/urine collection.

  2. Technician IV-V

    Handle advanced technician duties, including anesthesia, leadership and specialized sample collections.

  3. Project Leader (Scientific)

    Serve as a scientific expert for the Lab with responsibility for staff-conducted studies.

  4. Team Leader (People Leader)

    Oversee team activities and gain leadership skills on the path to becoming a Team Supervisor.

  5. Team Supervisor (People Leader)

    Responsible for overall employee supervision, staff development, and team success.

  6. Close-up of smiling female Charles River Scientific professional
Close-up of smiling female Charles River Scientific professional

Technician I-III

Follow SOP and protocols in the areas of animal handling, husbandry, and blood/urine collection.

Technician IV-V

Handle advanced technician duties, including anesthesia, leadership and specialized sample collections.

Project Leader (Scientific)

Serve as a scientific expert for the Lab with responsibility for staff-conducted studies.

Team Leader (People Leader)

Oversee team activities and gain leadership skills on the path to becoming a Team Supervisor.

Team Supervisor (People Leader)

Responsible for overall employee supervision, staff development, and team success.

  1. Financial Analyst I

    Help analyze financial data, extract/define relevant information, and interpret data.

  2. Financial Analyst II

    Responsible for analysis, forecasting, budgeting, accounting administration, and reporting of projects.

  3. Senior Financial Analyst

    Handle weekly and monthly forecasting and annual budget preparation. Prepare financials and key indicators for business reviews.

  4. Manager, Business Finance

    Partner with operating businesses to raise standards in key decision areas. Present a dynamic industry, competitor, and economic context.

  5. Finance Director, Operations

    Support all business aspects, working with site teams to direct weekly/monthly forecasting and annual budget preparation.

  6. Close-up of smiling male Charles River Corporate professional
Close-up of smiling male Charles River Corporate professional

Financial Analyst I

Help analyze financial data, extract/define relevant information, and interpret data.

Financial Analyst II

Responsible for analysis, forecasting, budgeting, accounting administration, and reporting of projects.

Senior Financial Analyst

Handle weekly and monthly forecasting and annual budget preparation. Prepare financials and key indicators for business reviews.

Manager, Business Finance

Partner with operating businesses to raise standards in key decision areas. Present a dynamic industry, competitor, and economic context.

Finance Director, Operations

Support all business aspects, working with site teams to direct weekly/monthly forecasting and annual budget preparation.

  1. Biomanufacturing Technician I

    Support the production, formulation, and banking of novel cellular products (including cGMP, GDP, and aseptic processing).

  2. Biomanufacturing Technician II

    Perform specialized activities in the production, formulation, and banking of novel cellular products (including cGMP, GDP, and aseptic processing). Train Biomanufacturing Technician 1.

  3. Biomanufacturing Technician III

    Help advance the production, formulation, and banking of novel cellular products (including cGMP, GDP, and aseptic processing) while interacting with clients.

  4. Biomanufacturing Lead / Specialist

    Maintain in-depth knowledge of specialized equipment to address questions as a Subject Matter Expert for the required equipment.

  5. Biomanufacturing Supervisor

    Oversee biomanufacturing personnel, ensuring compliance with cGMP’s, CRL quality systems, and process documents in biomanufacturing.

  6. Biomanufacturing Manager

    Lead biomanufacturing activities in the start-up and cGMP production of novel cellular products. Schedule and manage staff, ensuring a safe and compliant working environment.

  7. Close-up of a smiling male Charles River Operations professional
Close-up of a smiling male Charles River Operations professional

Biomanufacturing Technician I

Support the production, formulation, and banking of novel cellular products (including cGMP, GDP, and aseptic processing).

Biomanufacturing Technician II

Perform specialized activities in the production, formulation, and banking of novel cellular products (including cGMP, GDP, and aseptic processing). Train Biomanufacturing Technician 1.

Biomanufacturing Technician III

Help advance the production, formulation, and banking of novel cellular products (including cGMP, GDP, and aseptic processing) while interacting with clients.

Biomanufacturing Lead / Specialist

Maintain in-depth knowledge of specialized equipment to address questions as a Subject Matter Expert for the required equipment.

Biomanufacturing Supervisor

Oversee biomanufacturing personnel, ensuring compliance with cGMP’s, CRL quality systems, and process documents in biomanufacturing.

Biomanufacturing Manager

Lead biomanufacturing activities in the start-up and cGMP production of novel cellular products. Schedule and manage staff, ensuring a safe and compliant working environment.

  1. Client Manager

    Ensures high-quality customer service through multi-site coordination. Deliver timely, accurate, and comprehensive responses to sponsor requests.

  2. Business Development Director

    Deliver profitable sales growth by targeting and visiting clients to build strong relationships and customer loyalty.

  3. Senior Business Development Director

    Plan and execute a territory-based field sales strategy. Drive growth through targeted long- and short-term account plans.

  4. Regional Sales Manager

    Manage sales team within North America's Safety Assessment sales region to achieve sales and profit goals.

  5. Close-up of smiling male Charles River Commercial, Marketing & Sales professional
Close-up of smiling male Charles River Commercial, Marketing & Sales professional

Client Manager

Ensures high-quality customer service through multi-site coordination. Deliver timely, accurate, and comprehensive responses to sponsor requests.

Business Development Director

Deliver profitable sales growth by targeting and visiting clients to build strong relationships and customer loyalty.

Senior Business Development Director

Plan and execute a territory-based field sales strategy. Drive growth through targeted long- and short-term account plans.

Regional Sales Manager

Manage sales team within North America's Safety Assessment sales region to achieve sales and profit goals.

  1. Director

    Partner with site leadership to achieve performance goals, develop staff, and deliver succession planning.

  2. Senior Director / General Manager

    Lead a multi-functional team to ensure integrated operations. Collaborate with senior leadership to form plans, objectives, and policies.

  3. Executive Director

    Lead a global, multidisciplinary team. Develop short and long-term strategic plans to maximize growth and profitability.

  4. Corporate Vice President

    Provide leadership, direction, and advice to leadership and finance teams. Accountable for financial planning, directing, and controlling.

  5. Close-up of smiling female Charles River Executive Leader
Close-up of smiling female Charles River Executive Leader


Partner with site leadership to achieve performance goals, develop staff, and deliver succession planning.

Senior Director/General Manager

Lead a multi-functional team to ensure integrated operations. Collaborate with senior leadership to form plans, objectives, and policies.

Executive Director

Lead a global, multidisciplinary team. Develop short and long-term strategic plans to maximize growth and profitability.

Corporate Vice President

Provide leadership, direction, and advice to leadership and finance teams. Accountable for financial planning, directing, and controlling.

About Charles River

Charles River is an early-stage Contract Research Organization (CRO). Here, we are passionate about our role in improving the quality of people’s lives. With 100 sites around the globe, we are strategically positioned to coordinate worldwide resources and apply multidisciplinary perspectives in resolving our clients’ unique challenges. Our client base includes global pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, government agencies, hospitals, and academic institutions around the world.

Charles River laboratory professional at a lab bench in a state-of-the-art laboratory environment looking through a microscope.

Supporting your well-being

Your dedication and passion make a life-saving difference in lives around the world. We’re committed to providing you with benefits that elevate your quality of life.


  • Earnings + incentives
  • Retirement benefits
  • Vacation + time away
  • Recognition
  • Employee assistance fund


  • Professional development opportunities
  • Career development
  • Awards
  • Educational support

Health and wellness coverage

  • Employee well-being support
  • Family support programs
  • Parental benefits + family formation benefits
  • Work-life balance flexibility

Social and Community

  • Culture of inclusion
  • 11 employee resource groups (ERGs) with >3,000 members
  • Opportunities for paid volunteer time off
  • Community outreach + matching gift + engagement activities


  • Earnings + incentives
  • Retirement benefits
  • Vacation + time away
  • Recognition
  • Employee assistance fund


  • Professional development opportunities
  • Career development
  • Awards
  • Educational support

Health and wellness coverage

  • Employee well-being support
  • Family support programs
  • Parental benefits + family formation benefits
  • Work-life balance flexibility

Social and Community

  • Culture of inclusion
  • 11 employee resource groups (ERGs) with >3,000 members
  • Opportunities for paid volunteer time off
  • Community outreach + matching gift + engagement activities
Charles River laboratory professional at a lab bench in a state-of-the-art laboratory environment looking through a microscope.

About Charles River

Charles River is an early-stage Contract Research Organization (CRO). Here, we are passionate about our role in improving the quality of people’s lives. With 100 sites around the globe, we are strategically positioned to coordinate worldwide resources and apply multidisciplinary perspectives in resolving our clients’ unique challenges. Our client base includes global pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, government agencies, hospitals, and academic institutions around the world.